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Woods Ferry

  /    /  Woods Ferry

Woods Ferry

Our vision for Woods Ferry is a clean, modern design with an emphasis on creating various small pockets that cater to all demographics that will live in the community. An open activity lawn allows for groups of all ages to gather and be active in the outdoor space. A meandering path passes throughout the site and allows the community to experience all the pockets programmed into this space. From fire pit plazas and hammock areas that promote relaxation, to grill and dining areas to encourage social engagement and gatherings, being accessible to all residents and encourage them to get outside and grow as a community.

IDG was tasked with conceptual design, preliminary master development plan, final master development plan, and construction administration.


Gallatin, TN


Landscape, Hardscape, Irrigation


Conceptual Design, PMDP Submittal, FMDP Submittal, Construction Administration